Framed Works are 475mm x 330mm
Texts are screen-printed on reverse of glass. Frames by Jack Carvosso.
In AGREE/DISAGREE/NOT SURE [1] statements similar to those used in Psychometric tests are placed in conjunction with landscape pictures and images of installations found throughout Britain and occasionally abroad.
Psychometric tests are given to individuals to assess their suitability for certain types of work. The tests are designed to expose personality traits which may have been overlooked during interviews.
There are many such tests and in general respondents are asked to “agree” or “disagree” by ticking boxes beside various statements. Typically, a test may contain around four of five hundred such statements. The results are then evaluated and the conclusions are fed back to the respondents or to their potential employers.
Agree/Disagree/Not Sure [2] continues the juxtaposition of images and texts in book one. The texts are similar to those used in psychometric tests as before, but in this book they also reflect the perceived convergence of psychology tests with other material found on-line such as is found on Instagram, Twitter, fortune cookies and so on.